Submit to All that Glitters

Before filling out this form, make sure you have read and understood the submission guidelines. If the fic submitted does not meet all requirements, it will be trashed.

Also, make sure that all fields are filled in completely. I will not accept any posts that don't have every section completed, even if they are masterpieces. Don't worry about disclaimers, unless you are doing a crossover fic. In that case, simply paste a brief disclaimer for the show into the summary, and I will take care of it.

It may take a while for me to post the fics, if I accept them. If accepted, you will be sent an email confirmation, and expect to see it on the site within the next couple of days after that.

If this form does not work, you can send me an email; make sure that all fields on this form are included. In the subject header, please type "Submissions to Glitters."

Okay, now that you've read and understood all that, fill this out!



Pen Name:
Story Title:
Story Rating? (Check only one)
Is there more than one chapter?
Chapter Number and Title:
Paste copy of story here:




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