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My Links
Link Here

To navigate through the links section, use the alphabet links to go to a specific letter. Links are organized in categories like this: Angel the Series, Angel/David Boreanaz, Anya/Emma Caulfield, etc. Each link has a short description about the site's contents and opens in a new window.

To find actors websites, they are combined and listed with the characters websites. Also, for writing resources, check in section W; these include links to geographical maps, grammar guides, the BtVS Writer's Guild, historical guides, magical guides, etc. General show resources are listed in I.

Remember that I've provided sites with only great content, originality and information. You can pretty much find anything you need regarding either show in the links provided. Good luck on the hunt, and stop back at "All that Glitters" soon!




better resources. better fanfic. better bx.